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6 Benefits of Using a Micro Armor Fiber Cable

November 2022

Fiber optic cables send information that has been converted into light beams from one place to another. Each beam of light follows a different path or mode as they travel down the tiny glass strands that are inside the fiber cable. Once they reach the other end, they are converted back into information and read by whatever device is there. 

Replacing common copper wires with these can better information sharing in several ways. However, if a cable isn’t a micro armor fiber cable, it may be rendered unable to perform this task within weeks of its installation.

Read on to learn more about why an armored fiber optic cable is the most effective choice of cable. 

What Are Some Advantages of Fiber Cable Over Copper Cable? 

Three main factors make fiber optic cables the superior choice to copper cables. For one thing, data that travels through a fiber cable will arrive at its destination 10 times faster than data that travels through copper cables. Fiber cables can also push a lot more data through simultaneously than copper cables.

In addition, a copper cable has a significant weakness in the fact that it’s highly prone to crosstalk. That is, other signals in the air can easily penetrate copper cables. This can result in a state where visual or audio data is made less clear in the end because of all the other ‘data’ that has invaded the signal getting sent. 

Outside signals can’t easily penetrate fiber optic cables. Thus, any audio and visual data will sound and look much clear when it reaches its destination. 

What Are Some Weaknesses of Fiber Optic Cables? 

While a fiber cable is more efficient than copper cable, there are still some good reasons why consumers may not consider purchasing it. A major issue is that fiber cable is more expensive than a copper cable. Anyone who could use a fiber cable product may be unable or unwilling to pay for the more expensive option. 

The price can be justified by the many ways that fiber cables boost a data-sharing network. However, people may not think this advantage is worth paying for a new cable every time it breaks.

Remember that the tiny strands that carry light through fiber cables are made of glass. Anyone who has ever broken a window or seen one broken know how fragile glass is. The same is true for the glass inside fiber optic cables. 

The glass strands inside fiber cables are prone to crushing, pulling, and many other environmental dangers. Luckily, adding armor to the cable can help prevent these damages from taking place. 

What Is the Armor in Armor Fiber Cable? 

Manufacturers who make armored fiber cables add several layers of material over the fragile glass strands to protect them. One of these layers is a tube created by wrapping metal tape around a part of the cable in a spiral helix pattern. The durability of this metal tube can make the glass strands less vulnerable to damage. 

The exact type of metal that manufacturers use to make the armor in an armored fiber optic cable can vary. Aluminum and stainless steel are the most common. The latter metal type is arguably more effective than the other, but both of them do share some of the same advantages. 

What Are the Six Benefits of Micro Armor Fiber Cable? 

Armored micro fiber optic cable is always made of stainless steel rather than aluminum. The aluminum version of armored fiber cables is known as Aluminum Interlock Armor (AIA) instead. Steel is a critical component of micro armor fiber cable as it’s the main reason for many of the advantages that armored micro fiber cables have. 

1. Easy to Carry 

Micro fiber optic cables have a far lighter weight than the aluminum version. This is because less steel material is needed to cover and protect the glass strands than aluminum. The result is a cable that is 65% lighter than AIA. 

This may not be a big deal after the professionals or others have completed the installation work. However, it can make the installers’ jobs go a lot faster. This will result in less time and labor costs being wasted. 

2. Easy to Maneuver

Along with the weight, Micro Armor fiber cables are also thinner in diameter than AIA. More specifically, Micro Armor is 75% thinner than Aluminum Interlock Armor. 

This trait makes it easier to bring the fiber with you into much smaller spaces during an installation. This extreme size difference allows for Micro Armor to be pushed through smaller holes and crevices that would otherwise require more handling or not be possible if using AIA. 

3. Can Be Bent and Pulled 

As mentioned earlier, pulling on a fiber cable can make the glass strands snap. Bending is the same. Unfortunately, a lot of these actions may take place when people are moving around. 

Luckily, steel micro fiber cables have a 70 lb pull rating and a 10mm bend rating. This is because the steel armor takes most of the stress away from the glass strands. 

4. Cannot Be Crushed 

Too much weight can also snap fiber cable glass strands on their own. With Stainless Steel Micro Armor, a cable would be resistant to any crushing. This makes it ideal for situations where a lot of heavy vehicles and equipment will be involved. 

5. Resistant to Rodent Bites

Fiber optic cables are sometimes visited by rodents due to their installations being in places that are out of sight and hidden from the outside world. With this being the case, a risk of any cable visited by a rodent is having that rodent bite and chew through the cable, thus rendering it obsolete. Stainless Steel Micro Armor is able to withstand any rodent bite due to the nature of the Steel. This is in contrast to Aluminum Interlock Armor as it is unable to protect against rodents due to the maleability of Aluminum.

6. Weather Proof

Finally, the steel armor makes fiber cables less vulnerable to weather hazards like water, wind, and vibrations. This makes them perfect for outdoor environments regardliss of the conditions. 

Experience All These Benefits With Our Stainless Steel Micro Armor Fiber Cable

From all this information, it’s clear that micro armor fiber cable is the most reliable and durable type of armored fiber cable on the market. If you purchase it for your data-sharing needs, you will have a cable system that should last for years to come. On top of that, you’ll experience all the benefits of fiber optic cables. 

If you’re thinking of purchasing armored fiber cables, consider our product. The Tinifiber Micro Armor Fiber Cable is suitable for residential, commercial, and nearly any other application. Fill out this form to get a free sample. 


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