Top Tips on How to Choose the Right Fiber Optic Cable

Oct 24, 2022

Nearly 4.95 billion people use the internet today. It’s no secret that the world is becoming gradually more dependent on the internet for both work and entertainment. The increased demand means a lot of data traveling down the cables.

As a result, file sizes are swelling up. If you have a poor network, it may lead to signal loss and slow delivery. This can not only be frustrating, but can also affect productivity.

Luckily, you can ensure your networks can endure the load by using a fiber optic cable. They’re designed for high-performance data networking and telecommunications as they provide higher bandwidth and transmit data over longer distances.

But before you worry about installation, you should first pick the right fiber optic cable. Below is a fiber optic cable buying guide that highlights top tips you can follow to ensure you are making the best decision.

Application or Utilization

Fiber optic cables can sometimes be classified based on the application. You may need to use either indoor or outdoor fiber cables for your application. This is why you need to determine the area of application before you choose fiber optic cables.

Here are some pointers that can help make your fiber optic cable selection based on the application easy.

Indoor Cables

These cables are engineered for indoor use, especially in offices, retail stores, or homes. While they aren’t designed for harsh environments.

Outdoor Cables

Designed for outdoor uses, they can withstand any environmental elements. They may include aerial fiber optic cables, armored fiber optic cables, and more.


Before you buy a cable, you must know the distances that the data you will handle must travel. This is vital in determining what type of fiber optic cable best suits you.

While the maximum distance of fiber optic cable is affected by both dispersion and attenuation for most applications, it can be about 62.14 miles. The maximum distance can also extend to about 124.28 miles.

If you are looking to cover long-distance applications, you should consider getting a single-mode fiber cable. They can only transmit one mode because of their small core. Although signals move within this small 9-micron core, the number of reflections decreases.

This leads to lower attenuation, making them excel at transmitting data over long distances at fast speeds. For the transmission of data over shorter distances, a multimode fiber cable may be an ideal option. It features a larger core of about 50 or 62.5 microns.

In contrast to single-mode fiber optic cables, you have multi-mode fiber optic cables. Multi-mode fiber optic cables are made to transmit numerous light waves or modes simultaneously, each at a slightly varied internal reflection angle.

As the modes are more prone to spread over larger areas, multi-mode fiber is often used to transmit across relatively shorter distances. Modal dispersion is the term for this phenomenon. The value Multi-mode fiber provides is by giving users with high bandwidth at high speeds across moderate distances.


The bandwidth of your fiber optic cables plays an important role in the future of your data centers. With the shift to remote workforces and the rise of multiple streaming devices, bandwidth is more important than ever. Having more bandwidth means you can offer more data transmission with greater reliability.

When choosing a fiber optic cable, you should know that a single-mode fiber also accommodates a much higher bandwidth. But in case you have a small data center, you can opt for multimode fiber. It accommodates around 1 GHz of bandwidth.

Although it is much less than that of a single-mode fiber, it is much more sufficient for most video, audio, and data transmissions.


Security is one of the top considerations for any data center. A single breach can compromise your entire business. While most security issues are a result of software issues and the human factor, there is still little risk in physical hardware.

This is why you should be careful when buying your fiber optic cable. Ensure you pick fiber cables that are hard to compromise or damage. It can be the difference between protecting your digital assets and suffering a costly data breach.

Communication Channels

Your data transmission channels are also an important consideration when picking the right fiber optic cable. Depending on the communication channels, fiber optic cables can be classified into simplex and duplex.

Simplex consists of one single strand of glass fiber and one single outer jacket.They have a core diameter of 8 microns or 10 microns and only allow one-way transmission of data. You can use them in applications like digital data readouts, automated speed and boundary sensors, and more.

On the other hand, duplex fiber optic cables have two fibers. While one fiber transfers data in one direction, the other transfers it in the other direction at one time. This type of fiber optic cable can be classified into two types – full duplex and half duplex fiber, depending on transmission.


You should also take durability into account when choosing a fiber optic cable. The ability to withstand potential damage is important for the reliability and life cycle of your network. To protect vital communication paths from interruptions, the best fiber optic cable to choose is a ruggedized one.

They embody superior sturdiness that can withstand damage from various environmental stressors. Whether they’re exposed to the elements or run over by heavy machinery, they won’t be affected.

Find the Right Fiber Optic Cable at TiniFiber

Choosing the right fiber optic cable can be challenging. But you can follow the aforementioned tips to make things easier.

Need a high-quality fiber optic cable? Look no further than TiniFiber. We supply the patented Micro Armor Stainless Steel Fiber Optic Cable that provides unrivaled strength and resilience. Contact us today to get more information.